Monday, July 30, 2012

the best day

When I met her, she was beautiful.  She was smiling and ready to be loved.  They had picked her up from her birth mother's home and brought her straight to us.  Little did we know, this little girl would become our daughter someday. 

The night I left my job, I asked our faithful God for a miracle.  And sure enough, He answered in a very clear and beautiful way.

When they called us late that afternoon, we knew we would say yes to any child they asked us to take - because we knew this would be a request straight from God.   So, when the little girl was a little older than we wanted and they weren't sure if she was a candidate for adoption, we just said yes.

She was in our arms three hours later and we were off to Target for diapers, clothes and hair bows before long.  She was obviously in fear as my mom & I scrubbed the dirt from her body and we cried at the reality of where she came from.  She was a very content child, probably because her cries weren't often responded to.  She was perfect to us - because she was least for the weekend.

We didn't have time to worry about what would happen next - we only had time to love her.  And that is all we needed - the night we met our daughter.